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NBN provides a place to share, which I find really valuable.  As someone who works from home it is both interesting and valuable to meet other people in various fields.  I learn a lot about what they do, and how they cope with the highs and lows of business. I love the fact it’s so informal, and I’ve made genuine friends in the group.

Not only is NBN an opportunity to receive/give out business referrals from the other group members, but it is a valuable chance for Personal Development and Growth, and as I leave the weekly meetings, I always feel I have learned something new to take with me as I progress through the busy week ahead

I come to NBN to be with like-minded small businesspeople to discuss ideas and make suggestions to improve the way we do business. The discussions at the meetings benefit my business from finding out what current trends there are locally and general information as to what is happening in Nelson that will benefit my business. It improves my relationship with my clients at NBN and I enjoy the interaction and sociality with others.

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